Alcuni Borsisti dei 53 che ne hanno beneficiato tra il 1996 e il 2008 Some scholarship recipients among the 53 beneficiaries during the period 1996-2008
Il materiale inviato non verrà restituito. L'esito del concorso sarà reso noto entro la fine di maggio e i vincitori dovranno confermare l'accettazione della borsa entro la fine di giugno, pena l'esclusione. La borsa di studio decorrerà da ottobre dello stesso anno. Ogni borsista è tenuto a partecipare alle attività musicali della Accademia. Si consiglia agli interessati di prendere contatti con l'insegnante con il quale desiderano studiare. La Fondazione Marco Fodella si riserva il diritto di revocare in qualsiasi momento la borsa di studio Received material will not be returned. Results will be made known by the end of May and winners must confirm their acceptance by the end of June. Courses begin in October of the same year. Scholarship winners are required to participate in the activities of the school. It is recommended to apply early, and also to contact the instructor of the instrument being applied for. The Foundation reserves the right to revoke the scholarship at any time
Le borse di studio intitolate a
Marco Fodella sono offerte dalla Fondazione per i corsi di liuto, altri
strumenti antichi e canto barocco impartiti a Milano nella tradizionale
sede di Villa Simonetta dall'Istituto di Musica Antica (Accademia
Internazionale della Musica, già Civica Scuola di Musica di Milano).
Sono borse di studio di merito tese a promuovere la conoscenza della
grande musica rinascimentale e barocca, hanno la durata dell'anno
accademico da ottobre a giugno e comprendono: La documentazione, che deve pervenire entro il 30 aprile di ogni anno, va inviata per raccomandata con A.R. (Avviso di Ricevimento) a: "Borse di studio della Fondazione Marco Fodella", Istituto di Musica Antica, Accademia Internazionale della Musica già Civica Scuola di Musica, Villa Simonetta, Via Stilicone 36, I-20154 Milano The Foundation, established in memory of the young lutenist and musicologist Marco Fodella, is dedicated to the promotion of the cultural, humanitarian and social activities that characterized his intense life. These activities include: the study and practice of early music through the establishment of scholarships, organization of concerts and other cultural events, sponsorship of recording projects and specialized publications, promotion of research, humanitarian assistance, youth activities, and any other initiative appropriate to the Foundation and suitable for pursuing its aims. Scholarships of the Marco Fodella Foundation for early music courses of the Early Music Institute, International Academy of Music (Accademia Internazionale della Musica, formerly Civica Scuola di Musica di Milano) The scholarships are offered on the basis of merit with the scope of promoting Renaissance and Baroque musical studies. They are for courses in lute, other early instruments and voice held at the Early Music Institute in Milan at Villa Simonetta during the school year beginning in October and ending in June. The scholarships are annual in principle and comprise: 1) accommodation (single or double room) in the city of Milan; 2) enrollment fees at the Accademia Internazionale della Musica. At least one scholarship is reserved for students of the lute. The other scholarships are open to students of the various courses offered by the Early Music Institute. Application Procedure The application follows the same procedure every year. It must include the following items: 1) a letter addressed to the Marco Fodella Foundation illustrating the candidate's motives for applying for the scholarship; 2) a detailed curriculum vitae which indicates the candidate's personal data (name, date and place of birth, permanent address, phone fax and email), education, musical studies and experience; 3) a non-edited live audio recording with a brief programme (circa 40-50 minutes) freely chosen by the candidate to reflect his/her level of ability; 4) three letters of recommendation written by musicians or instructors well acquainted with the candidate's musical qualities and abilities Applications must be sent in a single package by registered mail and must arrive at the School on or before April 30, addressed to: "Borse di studio della Fondazione Marco Fodella", c/o Istituto di Musica Antica, Accademia Internazionale della Musica, Villa Simonetta, Via Stilicone 36, I-20154 Milan, Italy
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